coarseDataTools 0.7.1
- Added pkgdown, moved ChangeLog to
coarseDataTools 0.7
- Refactor code to align with lintr standards, adding Hugo Gruson as contributor.
coarseDataTools 0.6.6
- update vignette to Rmd, removal of plot method for object.
coarseDataTools 0.6.5
- minor modifications to fix improper call to
and other new NOTES.
coarseDataTools 0.6.4
- merged hackout3 branch to support new distributions
coarseDataTools 0.6.3
- minor modifications to address NAMESPACE issues.
coarseDataTools 0.6
- added Azman/Lessler contributions: MCMC estimation functions, ability to fit Weibull and Gamma distributions, and bootstrap confidence intervals.
coarseDataTools 0.5.1 (2012-10-29)
- changed code to eliminate NOTE message in R CMD CHECK.
coarseDataTools 0.5
- added get.obs.type() function to easily generate observation types for data set up in doubly interval censored format.
coarseDataTools 0.4
- added functions for simulation precision of estimated percentiles from coarse incubation period datasets.
coarseDataTools 0.3 (2010-08-18)
- added documentation for datafiles.
coarseDataTools 0.2 (2010-05-05)
- added functions (with documentation) for estimating a univariate distribution with an arbitrary mixture of doubly interval-censored, single interval-censored and exact observations using a maximum likelihood approach.
coarseDataTools 0.1 (2010-04-09)
- added functions (with documentation) for estimating the relative case fatality ratio. Currently only tested on situations with two groups of interest, i.e. two levels of covariate J.